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About the List

The Team Arundo del Norte email list is used for the Team’s everyday communications, including announcements of activities, posting of meeting minutes, and group editing of outreach materials. It is maintained at CERES using majordomo software.

The list address is ( also works).

Before subscribing and/or using this service, you agree to our listserve etiquette.

Use the form below to access the list.

Email Listserv Subscription


13 + 11 =

Email Listserve Etiquette

Because a mailing list is a cooperative effort, we ask that in agreeing to join the TAdN listserve, you will observe basic etiquette rules as follows:

Subject Headings

Contributors should use the Subject line to provide a clear indication of the subject matter of their messages. This serves two purposes. First, it makes it easier for participants to decide which messages they wish to read. Second, it allows us to link messages together by subject headings for the archive of listserve messages that we are building.


Appropriate for this listserve is anything related to Arundo donax, such as: eradication, mapping, research, ecology, program funding, weed management education, outreach to landowners and agencies, and regulations or laws that affect weed management projects. Also appropriate is information about other invasive weeds that affect riparian habitats.

Please do not post the following: virus or scam warnings, jokes and cartoons, or general interest materials.

Other Helpful Hints

  • Keep messages short and well-organized
  • Be clear in your expression
  • In debates, be respectful of your colleagues
  • Remember that humor does not always translate clearly in typed text
  • Avoid sending large attachments
  • Stay focused on the topics and goals of the list
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